Osteochondrosis - degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc, characterized by a thinning disc, sclerosis of its surface and an increase of the limit value of osteophytes. The fabric disc hardens, cartilage developing bone. Under the influence of these changes, the disc pressure on the nerve endings, which is the cause of the pain.

The symptoms of the disease degenerative disk:
- a throbbing pain in the back, which is reinforced with jerky movements;
- soreness in the limbs;
- atrophy of the limbs;
- spasms in the muscles hindered the movement.
If amazed of the cervical spine, the disease manifests itself in the symptoms:
- the sensation of pain in the shoulders, the arms, the head;
- the syndrome of the vertebral arteries (vertigo, buzzing in the head, spots of color in the eyes, headache throbbing).
The disease may develop for the following reasons: heredity, a metabolic disorder, an intoxication, infection, obesity, eating disorders, aging of the body, trauma of the spine, disorders of posture, sedentary work, poor environment, high loads, stress, hypothermia.
The prevention and treatment of cervical osteoarthritis
The treatment aims at the removal of pain, the restoration of functions of spinal roots, pain of the degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs. In the early stages of the disease conservative treatment methods. During later stages they resort to surgical intervention.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and can vary from 1 month up to one year.
Integrated conservative treatment includes methods such as:
- physiotherapy;
- massage;
- physiotherapy;
- manual therapy;
- the traction of the spine;
- reflexology;
- drugs.

As prevention, it is recommended to conduct a healthy life, avoid unreasonable physical effort, regularly to develop the muscles of the back.